About US

Sanctum Financial

We are a leading financial services, audit and advisory firm with over forty-five years combined founding experience while specializing in asset protection, risk management, globalized holdings, transfer pricing, and worldwide tax compliance.

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What We Do

1. Who are your typical clients?

We assist late stage entrepreneurs, business owners, and financially independent individuals in protecting their assets and securing growth for the future, no matter where in the world that opportunity lies. This usually consists of some or all of the following services:

  • Globalized asset protection
  • Risk management
  • Transfer pricing and tax planning
  • Crisis planning and insurance needs
  • Foreign holdings and capital markets access
  • Corporate and global banking options
  • Audit, advisory, and due diligence services
  • Global financial reporting requirements
  • Worldwide compliance and regulatory filings
2. What industries do you specialize in?

Among  our corporate clients, we specialize in firms with substantial intellectual property assets, firms with extensive transfer pricing supply chains, and companies with significant multinational holdings. For our private clients, we specialize in individuals with globalized capital holdings and worldwide reporting and tax compliance complexities. This can include any or all of the following:

  • Managing assets across jurisdictions while simplifying regulatory compliance
  • Maximizing after tax revenue in cross-border transactions
  • Providing the most favorable legal protections for our clients' assets
  • Handling fiancial reporting and disclosure requirements for globally diversified portfolios
3. Can you guarantee a given rate of return?

While all financial products possess inherent risk, it is our strong belief that a diversified portfolio adjusted for the specific risk management and tolerance requirements of a given client will yield among the best available public return. In addition, our proven expertise in asset protection helps clients prevent unneccessary losses and frivolous claims, thereby increasing an assets long term value and growth potential.

4. Can you help us raise capital?

No. We are not a venture capital firm, as such we do not assist early stage companies in raising capital, and we do not solicit our clients for placement of capital with pre-revenue or early growth companies.

5. Do you ever invest in your clients?

No. While we do retain privately held corporations as clients, we are not an investment firm. As such, we do not invest in, or hold any equity positions within our client portfolio, or within our assets under management.

6. Can you help us with an Initial Public Offering (IPO)?

No. We do not help firms seek placement of securities or underwrite bids for public sale. We do offer audit and due diligence services for existing clients seeking to brokerage with an outside firm for such a placement, but only in an oversight and advisory capacity. We are not licensed for the institutional or primary market sale of securities.

Who We Are

At Sanctum, we have grown and retained top industry expertise to assist you in your journey to less worry and greater financial freedom.

Ashley Pembrooke

sales director

Ashley comes to us from Proctor & Gamble as a category manager and finance major.

Ryan Taylor

business development

Ryan has over ten years in fintech sales experience at startups before joining Sanctum.

William "Bill" rosman

managing director

Bill has led our growing team of finance professionals with distinction since our inception.

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